Calculating potential energy surface of ground states of small molecules (GS-PES)
Record Detail

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1 (Expectation value)
HardwareEfficient, depth=5
sequential minimal optimization



Molecule Mean score Mean # of func. eval.
H2line 0.283151 591.00
H4line 44.358229 588.00
H4ring 0.767626 588.00
H6line 9.806913 587.00
H6ring 48.645270 587.00
LiH 25.252798 587.00
BeH2 78.037510 685.00
H2O 2.155971 685.00
all 26.163434 612.25


Score for molecule: 0.283151

Bond length [A] Exact GS energy [Ha] Predicted GS energy [Ha] Score for each bond length # of function evaluation
0.5 -1.055160 -1.053850 0.038298 591
0.6 -1.116286 -1.114947 0.14829 591
0.7 -1.136189 -1.128319 3.0578 591
0.8 -1.134148 -1.132306 0.82773 591
0.9 -1.120560 -1.118082 0.1181 591
1.0 -1.101150 -1.096716 0.00059277 591
1.1 -1.079193 -1.075979 0.021372 591
1.2 -1.056741 -1.045780 0.080739 591
1.3 -1.035186 -1.031205 0.0046496 591
1.4 -1.015468 -1.013786 0.022763 591
1.5 -0.998149 -0.993545 0.0010652 591
1.6 -0.983473 -0.961546 0.11357 591
1.7 -0.971427 -0.969844 0.017321 591
1.8 -0.961817 -0.953355 0.022831 591
1.9 -0.954339 -0.952788 0.015874 591
2.0 -0.948641 -0.936759 0.039364 591

H4 (line)

Score for molecule: 44.358229

Bond length [A] Exact GS energy [Ha] Predicted GS energy [Ha] Score for each bond length # of function evaluation
0.5 -1.653117 -1.595022 0.24776 588
0.6 -1.960194 -1.879765 0.49172 588
0.7 -2.106997 -1.607781 4.2234 588
0.8 -2.167561 -1.749363 17.724 588
0.9 -2.180317 -2.118904 673.88 588
1.0 -2.166387 -1.851479 8.9351 588
1.1 -2.137971 -1.875983 1.7216 588
1.2 -2.102608 -1.852290 0.79024 588
1.3 -2.065229 -1.808217 0.59206 588
1.4 -2.029070 -1.817022 0.15378 588
1.5 -1.996150 -1.771841 0.19283 588
1.6 -1.967560 -1.765275 0.063511 588
1.7 -1.943692 -1.752752 0.0092019 588
1.8 -1.924431 -1.804753 0.26978 588
1.9 -1.909332 -1.823060 0.37794 588
2.0 -1.897781 -1.692602 0.05807 588

H4 (ring)

Score for molecule: 0.767626

Bond length [A] Exact GS energy [Ha] Predicted GS energy [Ha] Score for each bond length # of function evaluation
0.5 -0.610130 -0.593112 0.024973 588
0.6 -1.191866 -1.117308 0.040424 588
0.7 -1.528728 -1.335613 0.45237 588
0.8 -1.728281 -1.693282 0.10694 588
0.9 -1.846741 -1.793039 2.0169 588
1.0 -1.915107 -1.842946 0.36917 588
1.1 -1.951594 -1.874030 0.2901 588
1.2 -1.967550 -1.872351 0.40035 588
1.3 -1.970378 -1.861761 0.50206 588
1.4 -1.965081 -1.816955 0.86716 588
1.5 -1.955125 -1.813288 0.88937 588
1.6 -1.942939 -1.783514 1.1939 588
1.7 -1.930208 -1.767610 1.4217 588
1.8 -1.918054 -1.836912 0.48445 588
1.9 -1.907157 -1.706155 2.658 588
2.0 -1.897849 -1.822647 0.56419 588

H6 (line)

Score for molecule: 9.806913

Bond length [A] Exact GS energy [Ha] Predicted GS energy [Ha] Score for each bond length # of function evaluation
0.5 -2.225106 -1.788250 0.0041766 587
0.6 -2.796419 -2.652430 0.661 587
0.7 -3.077995 -2.688767 0.30898 587
0.8 -3.204412 -2.975105 5.1008 587
0.9 -3.244542 -2.639489 117.52 587
1.0 -3.236066 -2.574156 22.368 587
1.1 -3.200684 -2.524663 5.1909 587
1.2 -3.151729 -2.904303 2.056 587
1.3 -3.097826 -2.639193 0.11825 587
1.4 -3.044600 -2.513791 0.44547 587
1.5 -2.995565 -2.690499 0.5434 587
1.6 -2.952668 -2.591599 0.27296 587
1.7 -2.916689 -2.536105 0.18386 587
1.8 -2.887569 -2.675255 0.63846 587
1.9 -2.864703 -2.687359 0.6919 587
2.0 -2.847192 -2.726164 0.80275 587

H6 (ring)

Score for molecule: 48.645270

Bond length [A] Exact GS energy [Ha] Predicted GS energy [Ha] Score for each bond length # of function evaluation
0.5 -1.732928 -1.502546 0.027926 587
0.6 -2.529473 -2.289147 0.045291 587
0.7 -2.935542 -2.495518 0.55464 587
0.8 -3.134937 -2.902236 0.38616 587
0.9 -3.219318 -2.890898 3.0385 587
1.0 -3.237477 -2.757159 751.43 587
1.1 -3.217049 -2.617051 15.823 587
1.2 -3.174998 -2.716283 2.9688 587
1.3 -3.122534 -2.660994 1.6415 587
1.4 -3.067346 -2.652744 0.83446 587
1.5 -3.014648 -2.718200 0.10777 587
1.6 -2.967691 -2.545863 0.55329 587
1.7 -2.928060 -2.610002 0.14741 587
1.8 -2.896015 -2.513831 0.32124 587
1.9 -2.870937 -2.559137 0.1074 587
2.0 -2.851786 -2.709765 0.33781 587


Score for molecule: 25.252798

Bond length [A] Exact GS energy [Ha] Predicted GS energy [Ha] Score for each bond length # of function evaluation
0.5 -7.050225 -6.919974 0.0064428 587
0.6 -7.319319 -7.215748 0.056871 587
0.7 -7.505052 -7.344838 0.065128 587
0.8 -7.634167 -7.380999 0.47287 587
0.9 -7.723424 -7.500643 0.54705 587
1.0 -7.784460 -7.568087 0.82154 587
1.1 -7.825537 -7.573896 2.0275 587
1.2 -7.852431 -7.758182 1.3638 587
1.3 -7.869140 -7.631857 7.4634 587
1.4 -7.878454 -7.681555 14.224 587
1.5 -7.882362 -7.680863 164.73 587
1.6 -7.882324 -7.660150 197.69 587
1.7 -7.879434 -7.732591 3.3731 587
1.8 -7.874524 -7.751418 1.5184 587
1.9 -7.868241 -7.654870 5.3546 587
2.0 -7.861088 -7.631625 4.3299 587


Score for molecule: 78.037510

Bond length [A] Exact GS energy [Ha] Predicted GS energy [Ha] Score for each bond length # of function evaluation
0.5 -13.689960 -13.424105 0.061949 685
0.6 -14.405649 -14.130988 0.091816 685
0.7 -14.871330 -14.426257 0.084522 685
0.8 -15.172805 -14.937423 0.35154 685
0.9 -15.364151 -14.993044 0.055295 685
1.0 -15.481741 -15.037023 0.53595 685
1.1 -15.549638 -14.980866 4.0538 685
1.2 -15.583812 -15.158317 3.6389 685
1.3 -15.595047 -15.450809 1200.2 685
1.4 -15.590743 -15.071002 30.167 685
1.5 -15.576051 -15.146751 2.3659 685
1.6 -15.554624 -15.329062 3.8974 685
1.7 -15.529121 -15.129553 0.23717 685
1.8 -15.501545 -15.360498 2.5916 685
1.9 -15.473451 -15.068834 0.17022 685
2.0 -15.446094 -15.050813 0.076402 685


Score for molecule: 2.155971

Bond length [A] Exact GS energy [Ha] Predicted GS energy [Ha] Score for each bond length # of function evaluation
0.5 -73.137644 -72.944806 0.25885 685
0.6 -74.146204 -73.809884 0.39329 685
0.7 -74.643693 -74.497925 1.4174 685
0.8 -74.883002 -74.322011 0.86567 685
0.9 -74.987693 -74.416130 3.282 685
1.0 -75.019855 -74.345714 6.3513 685
1.1 -75.012625 -74.288422 5.3541 685
1.2 -74.985126 -74.403777 2.7718 685
1.3 -74.948779 -74.510320 3.3568 685
1.4 -74.910271 -74.280429 0.45641 685
1.5 -74.873436 -74.467861 1.864 685
1.6 -74.840495 -74.578627 2.3204 685
1.7 -74.812706 -74.450176 1.5269 685
1.8 -74.790571 -74.526326 1.8069 685
1.9 -74.773909 -74.421813 1.3292 685
2.0 -74.761988 -74.376923 1.1406 685