Calculating potential energy surface of ground states of small molecules (GS-PES)
Record Detail

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1 (Expectation value)
HardwareEfficient, depth=5



Molecule Mean score Mean # of func. eval.
H2line 1.618846 950.69
H4line 15.371428 917.56
H4ring 9.662896 923.56
H6line 31.786963 1367.31
H6ring 4.179238 1368.12
LiH 7.500004 1374.62
BeH2 56.085512 1602.50
H2O 66.932869 1600.25
all 24.142220 1263.08


Score for molecule: 1.618846

Bond length [A] Exact GS energy [Ha] Predicted GS energy [Ha] Score for each bond length # of function evaluation
0.5 -1.055160 -1.026458 0.24766 932
0.6 -1.116286 -1.091711 0.77152 946
0.7 -1.136189 -1.107105 18.563 944
0.8 -1.134148 -1.115397 3.2908 946
0.9 -1.120560 -1.096036 0.96543 955
1.0 -1.101150 -1.089901 0.079999 959
1.1 -1.079193 -1.047426 0.40282 977
1.2 -1.056741 -1.026633 0.26997 952
1.3 -1.035186 -1.018344 0.083085 942
1.4 -1.015468 -0.958353 0.40019 938
1.5 -0.998149 -0.941825 0.3447 966
1.6 -0.983473 -0.950470 0.16021 941
1.7 -0.971427 -0.938266 0.14953 946
1.8 -0.961817 -0.943864 0.054681 942
1.9 -0.954339 -0.932026 0.076276 954
2.0 -0.948641 -0.932466 0.041436 971

H4 (line)

Score for molecule: 15.371428

Bond length [A] Exact GS energy [Ha] Predicted GS energy [Ha] Score for each bond length # of function evaluation
0.5 -1.653117 -0.914251 0.3459 926
0.6 -1.960194 -1.119877 1.2885 915
0.7 -2.106997 -1.529026 0.29284 914
0.8 -2.167561 -1.556553 4.2149 914
0.9 -2.180317 -1.665823 221.99 929
1.0 -2.166387 -1.601972 0.56457 917
1.1 -2.137971 -1.708029 2.9741 918
1.2 -2.102608 -1.817194 3.4793 924
1.3 -2.065229 -1.709411 1.7404 917
1.4 -2.029070 -1.637321 1.0876 921
1.5 -1.996150 -1.613455 0.94247 911
1.6 -1.967560 -1.656653 1.1531 917
1.7 -1.943692 -1.747991 1.5233 911
1.8 -1.924431 -1.739652 1.4514 913
1.9 -1.909332 -1.698534 1.2746 913
2.0 -1.897781 -1.798174 1.6158 921

H4 (ring)

Score for molecule: 9.662896

Bond length [A] Exact GS energy [Ha] Predicted GS energy [Ha] Score for each bond length # of function evaluation
0.5 -0.610130 -0.348951 0.10166 916
0.6 -1.191866 -0.902516 0.23441 924
0.7 -1.528728 -1.138554 0.79475 923
0.8 -1.728281 -1.598254 0.042456 928
0.9 -1.846741 -1.316077 139.18 915
1.0 -1.915107 -1.802551 0.34523 932
1.1 -1.951594 -1.563880 2.4756 925
1.2 -1.967550 -1.539118 2.4859 922
1.3 -1.970378 -1.692937 1.1777 926
1.4 -1.965081 -1.723666 0.91982 920
1.5 -1.955125 -1.618805 1.9058 917
1.6 -1.942939 -1.702583 1.1266 929
1.7 -1.930208 -1.636688 1.9639 919
1.8 -1.918054 -1.740665 0.61649 930
1.9 -1.907157 -1.747528 0.4247 921
2.0 -1.897849 -1.723301 0.8157 930

H6 (line)

Score for molecule: 31.786963

Bond length [A] Exact GS energy [Ha] Predicted GS energy [Ha] Score for each bond length # of function evaluation
0.5 -2.225106 -1.051716 0.56544 1361
0.6 -2.796419 -0.742920 3.242 1378
0.7 -3.077995 -2.476982 0.028823 1375
0.8 -3.204412 -2.443473 3.9679 1361
0.9 -3.244542 -1.973786 483.61 1370
1.0 -3.236066 -2.529336 11.2 1354
1.1 -3.200684 -2.567821 0.8108 1363
1.2 -3.151729 -2.402920 1.6202 1367
1.3 -3.097826 -2.365816 0.91713 1367
1.4 -3.044600 -2.508616 0.29894 1373
1.5 -2.995565 -2.335395 0.25561 1382
1.6 -2.952668 -2.473779 0.39992 1359
1.7 -2.916689 -2.412025 0.27793 1370
1.8 -2.887569 -2.358805 0.1881 1360
1.9 -2.864703 -2.597201 0.86212 1367
2.0 -2.847192 -2.389597 0.34753 1370

H6 (ring)

Score for molecule: 4.179238

Bond length [A] Exact GS energy [Ha] Predicted GS energy [Ha] Score for each bond length # of function evaluation
0.5 -1.732928 -1.188842 0.174 1355
0.6 -2.529473 -1.534763 0.26655 1377
0.7 -2.935542 -2.067676 0.20497 1355
0.8 -3.134937 -2.142437 1.8147 1379
0.9 -3.219318 -2.187206 12.27 1375
1.0 -3.237477 -2.440796 33.393 1381
1.1 -3.217049 -2.578783 8.0976 1371
1.2 -3.174998 -2.485820 1.8603 1367
1.3 -3.122534 -2.535359 1.8985 1377
1.4 -3.067346 -2.436513 1.0275 1376
1.5 -3.014648 -2.504160 1.3242 1365
1.6 -2.967691 -2.317600 0.57701 1356
1.7 -2.928060 -2.518956 1.2813 1377
1.8 -2.896015 -2.319492 0.67127 1359
1.9 -2.870937 -2.382303 0.86497 1361
2.0 -2.851786 -2.486610 1.1419 1359


Score for molecule: 7.500004

Bond length [A] Exact GS energy [Ha] Predicted GS energy [Ha] Score for each bond length # of function evaluation
0.5 -7.050225 -6.774481 0.1942 1365
0.6 -7.319319 -6.889674 0.0138 1382
0.7 -7.505052 -7.112381 0.11848 1370
0.8 -7.634167 -7.226731 0.12062 1371
0.9 -7.723424 -7.389304 0.64831 1369
1.0 -7.784460 -7.196291 1.5335 1379
1.1 -7.825537 -7.563077 3.0574 1372
1.2 -7.852431 -7.313504 3.3466 1390
1.3 -7.869140 -7.461670 2.1986 1367
1.4 -7.878454 -7.464779 5.5113 1371
1.5 -7.882362 -7.435022 24.802 1363
1.6 -7.882324 -7.459069 32.352 1376
1.7 -7.879434 -7.547407 31.662 1397
1.8 -7.874524 -7.422743 1.7432 1381
1.9 -7.868241 -7.606551 12.101 1365
2.0 -7.861088 -7.410727 0.597 1376


Score for molecule: 56.085512

Bond length [A] Exact GS energy [Ha] Predicted GS energy [Ha] Score for each bond length # of function evaluation
0.5 -13.689960 -12.750639 0.064428 1607
0.6 -14.405649 -13.591165 0.0017514 1598
0.7 -14.871330 -13.939277 0.15953 1596
0.8 -15.172805 -14.464251 0.25569 1591
0.9 -15.364151 -14.673279 0.54391 1608
1.0 -15.481741 -14.429980 2.0721 1631
1.1 -15.549638 -14.738397 0.11677 1596
1.2 -15.583812 -14.900450 11.649 1595
1.3 -15.595047 -14.944023 829.08 1601
1.4 -15.590743 -14.948544 38.719 1596
1.5 -15.576051 -14.803306 2.2829 1596
1.6 -15.554624 -14.725346 0.31288 1598
1.7 -15.529121 -14.999717 4.3427 1609
1.8 -15.501545 -14.887687 2.1633 1617
1.9 -15.473451 -15.004224 2.8518 1589
2.0 -15.446094 -15.039494 2.7486 1612


Score for molecule: 66.932869

Bond length [A] Exact GS energy [Ha] Predicted GS energy [Ha] Score for each bond length # of function evaluation
0.5 -73.137644 -71.729836 0.6406 1604
0.6 -74.146204 -72.418380 1.0134 1604
0.7 -74.643693 -73.201829 3.1085 1605
0.8 -74.883002 -72.714677 3.235 1606
0.9 -74.987693 -72.245098 3.876 1599
1.0 -75.019855 -73.261681 882.81 1588
1.1 -75.012625 -72.962977 68.846 1605
1.2 -74.985126 -73.617043 34.906 1595
1.3 -74.948779 -73.495419 16.112 1609
1.4 -74.910271 -73.544205 11.29 1601
1.5 -74.873436 -74.056768 12.196 1590
1.6 -74.840495 -73.892457 9.2394 1593
1.7 -74.812706 -73.937310 8.3547 1615
1.8 -74.790571 -73.633974 6.3303 1597
1.9 -74.773909 -73.876674 6.9536 1599
2.0 -74.761988 -72.668618 2.0121 1594