Calculating potential energy surface of ground states of small molecules (GS-PES)
Record Detail

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1 (Expectation value)
HardwareEfficient, depth=3
sequential minimal optimization



Molecule Mean score Mean # of func. eval.
H2line 1.179533 528.00
H4line 0.537665 524.00
H4ring 0.687038 524.00
H6line 0.510193 588.00
H6ring 1.483769 588.00
LiH 3.557222 588.00
BeH2 0.593249 686.00
H2O 4.108164 686.00
all 1.582104 589.00


Score for molecule: 1.179533

Bond length [A] Exact GS energy [Ha] Predicted GS energy [Ha] Score for each bond length # of function evaluation
0.5 -1.055160 -1.045332 0.075914 528
0.6 -1.116286 -1.111265 0.52538 528
0.7 -1.136189 -1.135487 13.758 528
0.8 -1.134148 -1.123911 1.8452 528
0.9 -1.120560 -1.115268 0.64326 528
1.0 -1.101150 -1.099856 0.40851 528
1.1 -1.079193 -1.053889 0.159 528
1.2 -1.056741 -1.004989 0.44296 528
1.3 -1.035186 -1.033085 0.13673 528
1.4 -1.015468 -1.011785 0.10162 528
1.5 -0.998149 -0.997234 0.10886 528
1.6 -0.983473 -0.981473 0.091425 528
1.7 -0.971427 -0.910324 0.27151 528
1.8 -0.961817 -0.916527 0.16654 528
1.9 -0.954339 -0.920997 0.094427 528
2.0 -0.948641 -0.924409 0.043295 528

H4 (line)

Score for molecule: 0.537665

Bond length [A] Exact GS energy [Ha] Predicted GS energy [Ha] Score for each bond length # of function evaluation
0.5 -1.653117 -1.626543 0.050021 524
0.6 -1.960194 -1.929055 0.099024 524
0.7 -2.106997 -2.069065 0.20436 524
0.8 -2.167561 -2.121990 0.57041 524
0.9 -2.180317 -2.127157 1.0838 524
1.0 -2.166387 -2.098721 1.0421 524
1.1 -2.137971 -2.057242 0.65298 524
1.2 -2.102608 -2.003448 0.59317 524
1.3 -2.065229 -1.834206 1.5447 524
1.4 -2.029070 -1.886062 0.59467 524
1.5 -1.996150 -1.816089 0.68947 524
1.6 -1.967560 -1.766941 0.69344 524
1.7 -1.943692 -1.794376 0.40691 524
1.8 -1.924431 -1.808253 0.24689 524
1.9 -1.909332 -1.828190 0.10395 524
2.0 -1.897781 -1.837246 0.026812 524

H4 (ring)

Score for molecule: 0.687038

Bond length [A] Exact GS energy [Ha] Predicted GS energy [Ha] Score for each bond length # of function evaluation
0.5 -0.610130 -0.627273 0.050273 524
0.6 -1.191866 -1.195494 0.07419 524
0.7 -1.528728 -1.516902 0.10392 524
0.8 -1.728281 -1.701301 0.14994 524
0.9 -1.846741 -1.806580 1.7619 524
1.0 -1.915107 -1.858508 0.17445 524
1.1 -1.951594 -1.881844 0.24098 524
1.2 -1.967550 -1.879079 0.36708 524
1.3 -1.970378 -1.866024 0.48997 524
1.4 -1.965081 -1.844717 0.65105 524
1.5 -1.955125 -1.817515 0.87588 524
1.6 -1.942939 -1.784870 1.2094 524
1.7 -1.930208 -1.774452 1.3716 524
1.8 -1.918054 -1.719015 2.2472 524
1.9 -1.907157 -1.818123 0.7619 524
2.0 -1.897849 -1.830339 0.4629 524

H6 (line)

Score for molecule: 0.510193

Bond length [A] Exact GS energy [Ha] Predicted GS energy [Ha] Score for each bond length # of function evaluation
0.5 -2.225106 -2.176512 0.044252 588
0.6 -2.796419 -2.745976 0.096381 588
0.7 -3.077995 -3.012099 0.16596 588
0.8 -3.204412 -3.134129 0.56557 588
0.9 -3.244542 -3.150727 0.034195 588
1.0 -3.236066 -3.122937 1.9615 588
1.1 -3.200684 -3.072782 0.75429 588
1.2 -3.151729 -3.004000 0.57278 588
1.3 -3.097826 -2.915388 0.59867 588
1.4 -3.044600 -2.750833 0.99336 588
1.5 -2.995565 -2.713632 0.75154 588
1.6 -2.952668 -2.629406 0.78254 588
1.7 -2.916689 -2.670619 0.46258 588
1.8 -2.887569 -2.710398 0.23273 588
1.9 -2.864703 -2.732004 0.10212 588
2.0 -2.847192 -2.735631 0.044623 588

H6 (ring)

Score for molecule: 1.483769

Bond length [A] Exact GS energy [Ha] Predicted GS energy [Ha] Score for each bond length # of function evaluation
0.5 -1.732928 -1.694133 0.0292 588
0.6 -2.529473 -2.465309 0.026221 588
0.7 -2.935542 -2.878155 0.083879 588
0.8 -3.134937 -3.063313 0.10807 588
0.9 -3.219318 -3.134119 0.13364 588
1.0 -3.237477 -3.150664 14.735 588
1.1 -3.217049 -3.108515 1.2461 588
1.2 -3.174998 -3.057191 0.55887 588
1.3 -3.122534 -2.755204 2.47 588
1.4 -3.067346 -2.899169 0.50139 588
1.5 -3.014648 -2.817780 0.51156 588
1.6 -2.967691 -2.586282 1.1059 588
1.7 -2.928060 -2.566697 0.89969 588
1.8 -2.896015 -2.691454 0.35649 588
1.9 -2.870937 -2.456737 0.90363 588
2.0 -2.851786 -2.741592 0.071143 588


Score for molecule: 3.557222

Bond length [A] Exact GS energy [Ha] Predicted GS energy [Ha] Score for each bond length # of function evaluation
0.5 -7.050225 -7.022536 0.0062735 588
0.6 -7.319319 -7.294913 0.0034431 588
0.7 -7.505052 -7.485250 0.0070557 588
0.8 -7.634167 -7.607928 0.015177 588
0.9 -7.723424 -7.704532 0.022435 588
1.0 -7.784460 -7.763417 0.014476 588
1.1 -7.825537 -7.805372 0.040219 588
1.2 -7.852431 -7.829924 0.0013251 588
1.3 -7.869140 -7.849514 0.20849 588
1.4 -7.878454 -7.836781 4.4576 588
1.5 -7.882362 -7.860407 1.2779 588
1.6 -7.882324 -7.838340 49.144 588
1.7 -7.879434 -7.856656 0.093362 588
1.8 -7.874524 -7.845376 0.81101 588
1.9 -7.868241 -7.840209 0.38327 588
2.0 -7.861088 -7.829309 0.42967 588


Score for molecule: 0.593249

Bond length [A] Exact GS energy [Ha] Predicted GS energy [Ha] Score for each bond length # of function evaluation
0.5 -13.689960 -13.617545 0.01817 686
0.6 -14.405649 -14.348633 0.016156 686
0.7 -14.871330 -14.839576 0.0083478 686
0.8 -15.172805 -15.138314 0.0078258 686
0.9 -15.364151 -15.325954 0.0017289 686
1.0 -15.481741 -15.452063 0.071528 686
1.1 -15.549638 -15.516203 0.095631 686
1.2 -15.583812 -15.548487 0.21616 686
1.3 -15.595047 -15.556645 3.0306 686
1.4 -15.590743 -15.539689 2.9438 686
1.5 -15.576051 -15.523234 0.78249 686
1.6 -15.554624 -15.496517 0.49997 686
1.7 -15.529121 -15.464673 0.40304 686
1.8 -15.501545 -15.415004 0.5202 686
1.9 -15.473451 -15.388123 0.39026 686
2.0 -15.446094 -15.335807 0.48601 686


Score for molecule: 4.108164

Bond length [A] Exact GS energy [Ha] Predicted GS energy [Ha] Score for each bond length # of function evaluation
0.5 -73.137644 -73.109159 0.033957 686
0.6 -74.146204 -74.121298 0.077206 686
0.7 -74.643693 -74.605637 0.14418 686
0.8 -74.883002 -74.824575 0.24673 686
0.9 -74.987693 -74.911129 0.47895 686
1.0 -75.019855 -74.935728 8.5652 686
1.1 -75.012625 -74.591709 40.06 686
1.2 -74.985126 -74.589696 8.4878 686
1.3 -74.948779 -74.805310 0.70841 686
1.4 -74.910271 -74.500791 2.8678 686
1.5 -74.873436 -74.584362 1.3342 686
1.6 -74.840495 -74.527635 1.2224 686
1.7 -74.812706 -74.635631 0.4067 686
1.8 -74.790571 -74.528750 0.73567 686
1.9 -74.773909 -74.689520 0.032576 686
2.0 -74.761988 -74.584342 0.32922 686