Calculating potential energy surface of ground states of small molecules (GS-PES)
Record Detail

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1 (Expectation value)
HardwareEfficient, depth=3



Molecule Mean score Mean # of func. eval.
H2line 0.474093 623.12
H4line 40.703196 606.88
H4ring 1.417012 605.88
H6line 5.124625 910.56
H6ring 74.194821 912.00
LiH 21.432169 910.62
BeH2 62.475474 1060.94
H2O 50.411288 1065.12
all 32.029085 836.89


Score for molecule: 0.474093

Bond length [A] Exact GS energy [Ha] Predicted GS energy [Ha] Score for each bond length # of function evaluation
0.5 -1.055160 -1.036212 0.01175 623
0.6 -1.116286 -1.088933 0.44576 620
0.7 -1.136189 -1.121712 3.1392 629
0.8 -1.134148 -1.117683 0.48058 620
0.9 -1.120560 -1.109927 0.43889 625
1.0 -1.101150 -1.072871 0.28478 619
1.1 -1.079193 -1.041899 0.33231 610
1.2 -1.056741 -1.025997 0.1584 624
1.3 -1.035186 -0.985239 0.31301 626
1.4 -1.015468 -0.939328 0.47733 623
1.5 -0.998149 -0.910334 0.50183 623
1.6 -0.983473 -0.897584 0.44143 613
1.7 -0.971427 -0.909247 0.26644 627
1.8 -0.961817 -0.915872 0.15934 630
1.9 -0.954339 -0.919755 0.090735 630
2.0 -0.948641 -0.922418 0.043678 628

H4 (line)

Score for molecule: 40.703196

Bond length [A] Exact GS energy [Ha] Predicted GS energy [Ha] Score for each bond length # of function evaluation
0.5 -1.653117 -1.549449 0.39095 609
0.6 -1.960194 -1.696553 0.20974 611
0.7 -2.106997 -1.744166 0.72073 608
0.8 -2.167561 -1.827558 2.3292 604
0.9 -2.180317 -1.991688 641.46 609
1.0 -2.166387 -1.849214 0.51869 608
1.1 -2.137971 -1.740821 2.0524 603
1.2 -2.102608 -1.853069 0.77423 601
1.3 -2.065229 -1.796269 0.35472 608
1.4 -2.029070 -1.644755 0.49173 610
1.5 -1.996150 -1.730729 0.24099 607
1.6 -1.967560 -1.713809 0.26344 615
1.7 -1.943692 -1.757587 0.52254 603
1.8 -1.924431 -1.572281 0.16518 607
1.9 -1.909332 -1.718948 0.44055 606
2.0 -1.897781 -1.676115 0.31191 601

H4 (ring)

Score for molecule: 1.417012

Bond length [A] Exact GS energy [Ha] Predicted GS energy [Ha] Score for each bond length # of function evaluation
0.5 -0.610130 -0.544066 0.051055 607
0.6 -1.191866 -1.096209 0.051218 603
0.7 -1.528728 -1.351410 0.14952 606
0.8 -1.728281 -1.694089 0.78443 618
0.9 -1.846741 -1.742706 8.9069 607
1.0 -1.915107 -1.703593 1.254 599
1.1 -1.951594 -1.782452 0.39012 598
1.2 -1.967550 -1.703487 1.142 609
1.3 -1.970378 -1.763299 0.64352 602
1.4 -1.965081 -1.599464 2.0457 615
1.5 -1.955125 -1.714105 1.0581 601
1.6 -1.942939 -1.606204 2.2215 608
1.7 -1.930208 -1.645995 1.9208 597
1.8 -1.918054 -1.740966 0.69728 611
1.9 -1.907157 -1.740907 0.641 611
2.0 -1.897849 -1.803017 0.71503 602

H6 (line)

Score for molecule: 5.124625

Bond length [A] Exact GS energy [Ha] Predicted GS energy [Ha] Score for each bond length # of function evaluation
0.5 -2.225106 -1.985910 0.30506 911
0.6 -2.796419 -2.223794 0.048972 920
0.7 -3.077995 -2.627703 0.59734 903
0.8 -3.204412 -2.632165 0.52101 918
0.9 -3.244542 -2.754319 43.292 905
1.0 -3.236066 -2.913508 23.104 920
1.1 -3.200684 -3.007024 7.8879 916
1.2 -3.151729 -2.799405 2.1048 909
1.3 -3.097826 -2.692803 0.98296 913
1.4 -3.044600 -2.620575 0.62873 905
1.5 -2.995565 -2.460827 0.063397 915
1.6 -2.952668 -2.355971 0.15715 907
1.7 -2.916689 -2.513421 0.44751 904
1.8 -2.887569 -2.623430 0.79938 915
1.9 -2.864703 -2.547309 0.61174 903
2.0 -2.847192 -2.472805 0.44195 905

H6 (ring)

Score for molecule: 74.194821

Bond length [A] Exact GS energy [Ha] Predicted GS energy [Ha] Score for each bond length # of function evaluation
0.5 -1.732928 -1.250865 0.22766 918
0.6 -2.529473 -1.748327 0.90596 908
0.7 -2.935542 -2.728446 0.22377 907
0.8 -3.134937 -2.629573 3.5587 906
0.9 -3.219318 -2.609682 25.504 917
1.0 -3.237477 -2.788591 1118.3 920
1.1 -3.217049 -2.518684 26.994 908
1.2 -3.174998 -2.867846 2.672 915
1.3 -3.122534 -2.787213 1.6998 904
1.4 -3.067346 -2.573663 2.0786 896
1.5 -3.014648 -2.552474 1.4464 916
1.6 -2.967691 -2.520289 1.1402 918
1.7 -2.928060 -2.582116 0.6667 916
1.8 -2.896015 -2.652744 0.30375 910
1.9 -2.870937 -2.517964 0.58205 909
2.0 -2.851786 -2.389545 0.83626 924


Score for molecule: 21.432169

Bond length [A] Exact GS energy [Ha] Predicted GS energy [Ha] Score for each bond length # of function evaluation
0.5 -7.050225 -6.881722 0.18162 903
0.6 -7.319319 -7.080741 0.14399 911
0.7 -7.505052 -7.298198 0.29878 907
0.8 -7.634167 -7.417041 0.41264 912
0.9 -7.723424 -7.523759 0.75338 908
1.0 -7.784460 -7.648374 1.8679 910
1.1 -7.825537 -7.496861 0.15673 911
1.2 -7.852431 -7.571986 1.2944 920
1.3 -7.869140 -7.644579 6.9846 916
1.4 -7.878454 -7.642486 19.435 897
1.5 -7.882362 -7.650233 218.97 911
1.6 -7.882324 -7.551479 25.438 912
1.7 -7.879434 -7.711949 45.73 903
1.8 -7.874524 -7.509952 5.446 914
1.9 -7.868241 -7.721957 11.943 921
2.0 -7.861088 -7.457758 3.8581 914


Score for molecule: 62.475474

Bond length [A] Exact GS energy [Ha] Predicted GS energy [Ha] Score for each bond length # of function evaluation
0.5 -13.689960 -13.328799 0.031579 1064
0.6 -14.405649 -13.931396 0.04449 1060
0.7 -14.871330 -14.416229 0.046652 1061
0.8 -15.172805 -14.398422 0.83575 1054
0.9 -15.364151 -15.124989 0.78827 1046
1.0 -15.481741 -14.912252 1.3053 1060
1.1 -15.549638 -15.131197 0.063312 1062
1.2 -15.583812 -14.921911 21.039 1058
1.3 -15.595047 -14.982609 957.13 1062
1.4 -15.590743 -15.133747 7.9201 1071
1.5 -15.576051 -15.073523 4.2302 1058
1.6 -15.554624 -15.091202 1.0362 1060
1.7 -15.529121 -15.025216 1.2488 1062
1.8 -15.501545 -14.977794 1.0931 1067
1.9 -15.473451 -15.179725 1.0477 1058
2.0 -15.446094 -14.763888 1.7491 1072


Score for molecule: 50.411288

Bond length [A] Exact GS energy [Ha] Predicted GS energy [Ha] Score for each bond length # of function evaluation
0.5 -73.137644 -72.587980 0.01928 1054
0.6 -74.146204 -73.753335 0.22078 1061
0.7 -74.643693 -73.611743 1.1826 1069
0.8 -74.883002 -73.429628 6.2936 1066
0.9 -74.987693 -74.020805 11.497 1076
1.0 -75.019855 -73.843002 609.39 1074
1.1 -75.012625 -73.181000 151.91 1055
1.2 -74.985126 -74.193452 5.7623 1062
1.3 -74.948779 -73.608798 10.466 1068
1.4 -74.910271 -74.355799 0.28492 1067
1.5 -74.873436 -73.628525 4.4708 1063
1.6 -74.840495 -73.648634 3.3599 1064
1.7 -74.812706 -74.399514 0.8302 1059
1.8 -74.790571 -74.153052 0.22387 1067
1.9 -74.773909 -74.283197 0.3858 1077
2.0 -74.761988 -74.102403 0.2844 1060