Calculating potential energy surface of ground states of small molecules (GS-PES)
Record Detail

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1 (Expectation value)
HardwareEfficient, depth=3
sequential minimal optimization



Molecule Mean score Mean # of func. eval.
H2line 0.542145 528.00
H4line 25.087921 524.00
H4ring 0.672533 524.00
H6line 8.196791 588.00
H6ring 1.953627 588.00
LiH 9.714217 588.00
BeH2 78.045845 686.00
H2O 9.676860 686.00
all 16.736242 589.00


Score for molecule: 0.542145

Bond length [A] Exact GS energy [Ha] Predicted GS energy [Ha] Score for each bond length # of function evaluation
0.5 -1.055160 -1.052860 0.025032 528
0.6 -1.116286 -1.107300 0.4159 528
0.7 -1.136189 -1.128284 6.8616 528
0.8 -1.134148 -1.132994 0.28809 528
0.9 -1.120560 -1.120249 0.0040177 528
1.0 -1.101150 -1.084879 0.4433 528
1.1 -1.079193 -1.074426 0.077835 528
1.2 -1.056741 -1.054324 0.026974 528
1.3 -1.035186 -1.032908 0.019926 528
1.4 -1.015468 -1.009358 0.04815 528
1.5 -0.998149 -0.989237 0.062296 528
1.6 -0.983473 -0.972686 0.068535 528
1.7 -0.971427 -0.969013 0.013084 528
1.8 -0.961817 -0.941133 0.11648 528
1.9 -0.954339 -0.926444 0.15113 528
2.0 -0.948641 -0.938602 0.051922 528

H4 (line)

Score for molecule: 25.087921

Bond length [A] Exact GS energy [Ha] Predicted GS energy [Ha] Score for each bond length # of function evaluation
0.5 -1.653117 -1.185571 0.57373 524
0.6 -1.960194 -1.932096 0.62127 524
0.7 -2.106997 -1.623995 4.3265 524
0.8 -2.167561 -2.095256 7.1584 524
0.9 -2.180317 -2.086073 374.26 524
1.0 -2.166387 -1.870718 9.2575 524
1.1 -2.137971 -1.866197 2.5109 524
1.2 -2.102608 -1.864285 0.94166 524
1.3 -2.065229 -1.943174 0.37228 524
1.4 -2.029070 -1.875087 0.07255 524
1.5 -1.996150 -1.777422 0.2916 524
1.6 -1.967560 -1.775720 0.12618 524
1.7 -1.943692 -1.790026 0.047735 524
1.8 -1.924431 -1.813183 0.20979 524
1.9 -1.909332 -1.818375 0.27294 524
2.0 -1.897781 -1.834712 0.36043 524

H4 (ring)

Score for molecule: 0.672533

Bond length [A] Exact GS energy [Ha] Predicted GS energy [Ha] Score for each bond length # of function evaluation
0.5 -0.610130 -0.619074 0.043296 524
0.6 -1.191866 -0.953415 0.29455 524
0.7 -1.528728 -1.273704 0.65546 524
0.8 -1.728281 -1.698829 0.12587 524
0.9 -1.846741 -1.806291 1.5026 524
1.0 -1.915107 -1.858601 0.17987 524
1.1 -1.951594 -1.881643 0.24734 524
1.2 -1.967550 -1.787426 1.1478 524
1.3 -1.970378 -1.866152 0.49262 524
1.4 -1.965081 -1.846431 0.6401 524
1.5 -1.955125 -1.817805 0.87737 524
1.6 -1.942939 -1.783596 1.2278 524
1.7 -1.930208 -1.764043 1.5063 524
1.8 -1.918054 -1.838411 0.51004 524
1.9 -1.907157 -1.813571 0.84875 524
2.0 -1.897849 -1.830893 0.4607 524

H6 (line)

Score for molecule: 8.196791

Bond length [A] Exact GS energy [Ha] Predicted GS energy [Ha] Score for each bond length # of function evaluation
0.5 -2.225106 -2.124892 0.11961 588
0.6 -2.796419 -2.405921 0.37413 588
0.7 -3.077995 -2.216071 3.8085 588
0.8 -3.204412 -3.128514 3.5261 588
0.9 -3.244542 -3.145713 88.53 588
1.0 -3.236066 -2.722012 29.555 588
1.1 -3.200684 -3.065467 1.9248 588
1.2 -3.151729 -3.003578 0.78728 588
1.3 -3.097826 -2.920560 0.30419 588
1.4 -3.044600 -2.840007 0.088045 588
1.5 -2.995565 -2.601502 0.68595 588
1.6 -2.952668 -2.580222 0.51191 588
1.7 -2.916689 -2.665491 0.087711 588
1.8 -2.887569 -2.539356 0.3513 588
1.9 -2.864703 -2.533626 0.28528 588
2.0 -2.847192 -2.541763 0.20843 588

H6 (ring)

Score for molecule: 1.953627

Bond length [A] Exact GS energy [Ha] Predicted GS energy [Ha] Score for each bond length # of function evaluation
0.5 -1.732928 -1.091484 0.082982 588
0.6 -2.529473 -1.929124 0.11829 588
0.7 -2.935542 -2.354918 0.21195 588
0.8 -3.134937 -2.430730 1.825 588
0.9 -3.219318 -2.695533 0.39141 588
1.0 -3.237477 -2.720598 1.1154 588
1.1 -3.217049 -3.108350 19.7 588
1.2 -3.174998 -2.744910 1.3781 588
1.3 -3.122534 -2.741344 1.175 588
1.4 -3.067346 -2.692622 0.83239 588
1.5 -3.014648 -2.785906 1.2901 588
1.6 -2.967691 -2.593884 0.52863 588
1.7 -2.928060 -2.551146 0.45095 588
1.8 -2.896015 -2.590913 0.6188 588
1.9 -2.870937 -2.712304 0.97579 588
2.0 -2.851786 -2.552707 0.5635 588


Score for molecule: 9.714217

Bond length [A] Exact GS energy [Ha] Predicted GS energy [Ha] Score for each bond length # of function evaluation
0.5 -7.050225 -6.985432 0.042758 588
0.6 -7.319319 -7.245147 0.079825 588
0.7 -7.505052 -7.357258 0.31399 588
0.8 -7.634167 -7.491731 0.45552 588
0.9 -7.723424 -7.558978 0.84883 588
1.0 -7.784460 -7.610548 1.4722 588
1.1 -7.825537 -7.627272 2.9545 588
1.2 -7.852431 -7.655506 5.5299 588
1.3 -7.869140 -7.660494 13.173 588
1.4 -7.878454 -7.744924 24.215 588
1.5 -7.882362 -7.856199 7.5802 588
1.6 -7.882324 -7.844452 19.817 588
1.7 -7.879434 -7.677863 51.784 588
1.8 -7.874524 -7.719997 15.213 588
1.9 -7.868241 -7.719351 8.2426 588
2.0 -7.861088 -7.751610 3.704 588


Score for molecule: 78.045845

Bond length [A] Exact GS energy [Ha] Predicted GS energy [Ha] Score for each bond length # of function evaluation
0.5 -13.689960 -13.611533 0.10363 686
0.6 -14.405649 -14.197558 0.056974 686
0.7 -14.871330 -14.519960 0.1043 686
0.8 -15.172805 -15.129099 0.54957 686
0.9 -15.364151 -14.887844 0.86734 686
1.0 -15.481741 -15.111629 0.83031 686
1.1 -15.549638 -15.212339 1.3469 686
1.2 -15.583812 -15.230328 6.7877 686
1.3 -15.595047 -15.555197 1182 686
1.4 -15.590743 -15.540431 50.085 686
1.5 -15.576051 -15.289455 0.55889 686
1.6 -15.554624 -15.246140 0.80288 686
1.7 -15.529121 -15.441123 2.8411 686
1.8 -15.501545 -15.109495 1.2399 686
1.9 -15.473451 -15.142799 0.44981 686
2.0 -15.446094 -15.180649 0.069884 686


Score for molecule: 9.676860

Bond length [A] Exact GS energy [Ha] Predicted GS energy [Ha] Score for each bond length # of function evaluation
0.5 -73.137644 -73.091096 0.081178 686
0.6 -74.146204 -74.111604 0.18845 686
0.7 -74.643693 -74.554923 0.2934 686
0.8 -74.883002 -74.745146 0.4467 686
0.9 -74.987693 -74.930314 4.2872 686
1.0 -75.019855 -74.915236 97.772 686
1.1 -75.012625 -74.479014 40.756 686
1.2 -74.985126 -74.650863 3.7773 686
1.3 -74.948779 -74.464162 3.9586 686
1.4 -74.910271 -74.615431 0.8631 686
1.5 -74.873436 -74.619049 0.37293 686
1.6 -74.840495 -74.604441 0.20314 686
1.7 -74.812706 -74.677357 0.30787 686
1.8 -74.790571 -74.693693 0.44535 686
1.9 -74.773909 -74.704915 0.52823 686
2.0 -74.761988 -74.704691 0.54909 686